So, here's some food for thought.
1. Keep your promises. Be consistent with your threats ("or else") and with your promises. Your word should mean something. Say it, mean it, follow through.
2. Limit your and their social engagements - you have to spend time together to be "with" them. Block out certain days on the family calendar.

3. Reserve "home" to be with family - if you work, leave your work at work. When Dad comes home, set aside the problems of the day and "be" a family.
4. Enjoy your children. This is the ONLY time they'll be the age they are right now. Every stage is fun, but you'll only get one chance with this child at this age.
5. Give your child useful chores to do, along side you. Work together to get the job done.
6. Always give "hello" and "good-bye" kisses; and don't be afraid to ask for one if they get "shy" about doing it as they get older (in their teens). We always kiss "good-night" too.
7. Straighten out any disagreements before bedtime--don't let anything fester overnight, otherwise next morning you'll all be off to a bad start right away. Boo-hiss, not good.

9. Share your day with your children--ask them to share theirs with you, too. Talk at supper.
10.Naturally, we hold hands with our children when they're toddlers. Continue this as they grow up, too (altho' be respectful if they're reluctant as they get older). Or an arm around the waist.
"It has given me great joy to find
some of your children walking in the truth,
just as the Father commanded us.
And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command
but one we have had from the beginning.
I ask that we love one another.
And THIS is love: that we walk in obedience to His commands.
As you have heard from the beginning,
His command is that you walk in love."
2 John, verses 4-6, NIV