I'm Debra Kerr Hofland, and I'm a Christian. I started Titus Two Friends because I saw a need for Christian mentoring relationships between older and younger women.
Wanted to share my experience with my daughters and with you: things about marriage, kitchen ideas, helpful hints, timely tips, recipes, gardening, child-rearing and advice. Lots of advice.
I certainly don't know everything there is to know about being a wife and mother, and I've made a ton of mistakes along the way, too. Thankfully Jesus paid that debt in full--and every day I "try" to live my life in thanksgiving for what He's done for me!
To the best of my human, puny ability, I will always . . .
give you GOOD and GODLY advice.
be direct and honest, call it like I see it,
point you to THE BLESSINGS in your life that God showers upon you & your family,
and show or give examples how to apply GOD'S WORD to your life in real ways.
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A little about me:
FAITH: I grew up knowing Jesus as my Lord and Savior (see my separate page with My Beliefs). My folks get the credit for bringing me to Jesus; we attended church and Sunday School or Bible class every week throughout my years at home. I can't imagine life without Jesus!
FAMILY: My parents raised me and my five younger brothers on a dairy farm in northern Wisconsin. Ma and I worked side-by-side to preserve vegetables from our garden and fruits from the orchard; we kept the house clean and made meals for our busy, growing family. Pa was a hard-worker and tough disciplinarian but would give you the shirt off his back. I never wanted to disappoint either one of them!
HUB: I've been married for 40 years now. My husband wasn't a believer when we started dating, but I knew he was a "keeper" after our first date when I asked him, "Do you want to go with me to church tomorrow?" and he said "yes." A few months later, I said "yes" too. Nine months from our first date we were married. He is the rock I lean on.
HOME: We've moved around a lot between Wisconsin (my stomping grounds), Montana (his stomping grounds), Washington, West Virginia and now Minnesnowta! I guess we need to move to Wyoming at some point, so we can say we've lived in all the "W" states! (Or maybe not.) It's been a wonderful journey.
CHILDREN: After being married five years and no babies, we prayerfully decided to build our family via adoption. I was 27 when we adopted our first two foster sons (they were ages 11 and 10). Two years later we added a brother (9) and a sister (6). THEN we had three babies of our own! Now we have five grandchildren and a great-grandson!
My life revolves around my Lord, my husband, my family and my desire to live my life in praise to God.

Some Personal stuff:
- Bible study fanatic (check out my TTF Bible Reading Buddies group on Facebook)
- Air Force veteran
- Homeschool mom
- Sunday School & VBS teacher; have recorded "teaching tips" podcasts for the ChristLight Sunday School teacher's resource materials for Northwestern Publishing (WELS). (That's me talking at 13:10 through the end of the pod-cast!)
- Graduated from UW-Whitewater with a degree in Elementary Ed and a minor in Language Arts/English; taught professionally for three years & 15 years as a homeschooler + being a homeschool advocate & mentor & conference speaker & presenter.
- I'm a certified master gardener, bird-watcher, and nature lover--I taught a Nature Study class at our weekly homeschool co-op, and I have a Nature Study Lessons Facebook page and blog, too. Kind of on sabbatical from that, though. Getting out in nature is good medicine!
- Crossword puzzles, sudokus (easy ones), word games like Boggle and Scrabble, pinochle & pinochle also help pass the time. Hub and I were avid squaredancers while in WV (mainstream/plus) and look forward to doing so again sometime. Good exercise!
- Coached high school and middle school girls' volleyball teams, plus baseball and softball summer rec teams; the hub and I met while playing on the squadron volleyball team. Lately you'll find me on my rose-gold girl-bike riding on the trail near our home.
- Titus Two Friends are on Pinterest and Instagram
- Many of my delicious recipes can be found over at Food.com (my member name is Debber) but I'm switching over to TastyKitchen.com AND posting some here on my blog,too.
- I believe the Bible is the inerrant, inspired Word of God, written by human hands but dictated by God's own breath through the Holy Spirit.
- I believe God created the world in six days of 24-hours each.
- I believe Jesus Christ is the promised messiah, the fulfillment of all the prophecies found in the Bible, and that one day, He will return as a triumphant conqueror to take me and all who believe in Him to our eternal home in Heaven.
- God demands perfection; I am a sinner; my sins were paid by Christ's perfect life and death--and only because I believe in and follow Him will I be able to spend eternity with Him.
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