Ten Words to Remember
When Sharing JESUS With a Friend
- Pray regularly for friends who don't believe in Jesus, that God would work in her heart with His powerful gospel to bring her to a saving faith in her Savior.
- Pray also for friends who believe but are struggling in their spiritual life, that God would strengthen their faith.
- Pray that God will give you opportunities to tell friends about Jesus, that He will help you at those times to speak about the love of the Lord.
- Tell your friend you're praying for her. This will strengthen your relationship.
- We are told "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." (1 Peter 3:15)
- You're a Christian. Friends will notice that you're different and will or may ask
- "Why are you so kind even to those who aren't nice to you?"
- "Why do you pray before you eat?"
- "Why do you wear cross jewelry?"
- "Why do you read a Bible and go to Bible class or worship services?"
- Think about these questions. Prepare an answer.
- What does it mean to be a Christian?
- Get better at sharing about your faith in Jesus by practicing!
- Practice with a friend or family member who is already a believer.
- Role play different questions or scenarios.
- Practice will reduce nervousness and increase confidence.
- Practice listening, too. "Say back" what she said, for clarification.
- "You might be the only Bible someone ever reads."
- Your actions (your light in the world!) may open a door to share the gospel which may bring someone to faith in Jesus. Let your light shine!
- Asking "How are you today?" can lead to an opportunity you never expected.
- Sincerely care about others.
- Your friends are looking & watching, so project the love of Christ ALL THE TIME!
- The "Good News" (gospel) is powerful when combined with the Holy Spirit.
- Never miss an opportunity to share the Good News!
- Jesus is our loving friend who has saved us from separation from God and His spiritual blessings.
- Jesus died to give us life with God right now AND forever in Heaven.
- Praise God for blessings throughout your day.
- He's your friend. Talk about Him and the way you see Him working in your life.
- Speak about Jesus "from your heart" what you know to be true and the things He has done in your own life.
- Share your past experiences where you have seen God working in your life. Be joyous!
- Take your time.
- As your friendship grows, share more and more about Jesus.
- You don't have to tell everything all at once!
- Listen to your friend's concerns and questions.
- Be sensitive to times of need, crisis, stress; be available. Sending a card with a brief note is one way to proclaim the Good News and shows you care.
- Don't be discouraged with/when people don't listen or accept what you say.
- As you have opportunity, remind your friend about Jesus and share what you believe.
- God loves your friend (even MORE than you do), and wants her to experience the joy and hope of being one of His children by faith in Jesus.
- Pray that God will keep using you and others to share His word with this friend, according to His will.
- Place your confidence in the promises found in Scripture!
- Jesus will always be with you (Matthew 28:20).
- You have the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).
- God's Word will accomplish what He wants (Isaiah 55:11)
- If your friend asks a question you can't answer, promise to get back to him/her with the answer (then do it!).
- Don't give up too soon.
- Remember God's patience with you!
- Follow God's example when working with or sharing with others.
10) Be PROUD
- You have been given a gift that is more precious than all worldly wealth.
- Your Savior is honored that you believe in Him.
- He is pleased that you are willing to share His name with others.
- Don't be arrogant about it, but BE proud of your Christian faith, and let it show!
(from materials shared at Shepherd Of The Hills Lutheran Church, January 2011)
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