The month of September 2012 will probably go down in my personal history book as the most extraordinary month of my life. Un-bee-leev-ah-bul! Hubby crashed his motorcycle at the beginning of the month; the bike is fine, the hubster was life-flighted to a DC-area hospital and ended up with five broken ribs, a broken scapula and a lacerated spleen. Owweee!
Ten days later, our youngest son and his girlfriend were side-swiped in a hit-n-run (the cops caught the guy!); the car was totaled, the son had amnesia, the girlfriend whiplash.
Five days later, we learned that Hubby might be out of a job once his disability time runs out.
And the month isn't quite over as a I write this blog post. you can imagine...I've been feeling just a bit overwhelmed--with a recuperating hubby at home who is chomping at the bit over this enforced "down time"--and I've added a few extra hours to my work schedule to help with the finances.
On top of homeschooling my youngest daughter and my son's girlfriend, I work as a virtual executive assistant to a CEO in Austin, Texas. The main thing I do is read all his email and set up tasks for him based on the emails. Oh. And I file his emails all neat and tidy. Every day--not one single email left in his inbox.

So, you might think "Wow, she's so organized!" And I am. Except with my own "personal" email. A few months ago, I tasked myself to be as ruthless with my own inbox as I am with the Boss.
And I was actually making headway. Until September hit. Then there was all this OTHER stuff going on.
Guess what? I didn't feel overwhelmed so much by the 100-mile trips to the hospital to visit Hubster--altho' DC traffic can be daunting! Nor was I overwhelmed by the all-nighter in the ER with my son and his girlfriend. Nope. Because I know that God has our times in His hands.
Where I feel stupidly overwhelmed is in the little things that have fallen by the wayside, and my email is like this big NEON sign: PAY ATTENTION TO ME!

And technically <wink!> I know that email is waaaay down on the list of things that really matter. But it bugs me. Mainly because I've always enjoyed correspondence, writing letters and greeting cards. And letting things sit and simmer is just NOT my personality.
All THAT to share with you a Reminder List that arrived in today's email. As I was reading through it, I felt this weight lifting--it was such a good reminder to me of "What Really Matters."

Remember What Is Really Important
1. Pray continuously.
2. Read my Bible daily.
3. Go to bed and quit falling asleep on the couch.
4. Get up on time so I can start my day un-rushed.
5. Say "No" to projects that don't/won't fit into my time schedule. Even if it's something "fun." Get OFF the computer.
6. Delegate tasks to capable others. Train the kids! Let them do it their way.
7. Simplify and un-clutter my life. New stuff in? = Old stuff out!
8. Allow extra time to get things done. Quit missing deadlines & making excuses! It's so lame. I'm NOT a lame person. Plan ahead!

10. Spread out changes and projects over time (break into smaller chunks). Baby steps!
11. Take one day at a time. God has Tomorrow handled. And Yesterday, too, for that matter.
12. Separate worries from concerns. Read my Bible and pray. God will make it clear. If I can't do something about a situation, then forget it.
13. Live within our budget.
14. Have a backup plan and important "extras" like a car key tucked in my wallet, a house key in the garden, extra stamps, cash on hand, package of toilet paper, see?
15. Keep my big mouth shut! Having the last word or being "right" isn't always the most important thing. Listen more!
16. Do something fun everyday - look forward to it! Motivation, too!
17. Carry a book to read while waiting in line or stuck in traffic.
18. Eat right. Eat more veggies. Don't be tempted to bring junk food home from the store!
19. Write down thoughts and inspirations. Have a "capture" book handy.

21. Get organized so everything has its place. Set aside time daily, weekly, monthly and seasonally.
22. Make friends with Godly people. Stay in touch with them.
23. Keep a notebook of favorite scriptures on hand.
24. Laugh. Often. Heart-felt. Uproariously. Giggle. Smirk. Chuckle.
25. Take my work seriously - but myself not so much!
26. Most people are doing the best that they can. Be more forgiving. Let it go.
27. Be kind to unkind people. My children see what I'm doing and are learning from my example.
28. Sit on my ego. I don't need to brag. My life is visible to others.
29. S-l-o-w down. Waaaay down. I am NOT the general manager of the universe.
30. Every night before bed, think of one thing I'm grateful for that I've never been grateful for before. Thank GOD!
"Now may the Lord of peace himself
give you peace
at all times and in every way.
The Lord be with all of you."
2 Thessalonians 3:16 NIV
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