Sunday, October 21, 2012

Faithful Instruction is On Her Tongue

Dear Friends....

It's been awhile since I last wrote.  And I apologize for neglecting you, but I think I have a good excuse.

My dearly beloved wrecked his motorcycle (no other vehicles involved) in early September.  Ten days later our youngest son and his girl friend were side-swiped by a panel truck, totalling our vehicle.   The end of that week, my dearly beloved found out that once his disability/recovery period is up, he will likely join the ranks of the unemployed (two other guys were let go the day after his accident).  

Hubby's last "follow-up" appointment is mid-morning on Monday.   Tomorrow.   He has to visit his supervisor afterwards....and will find out if he still has a job or not.    

I could put off posting this article until after his appointment tomorrow--when we know for sure, but I honestly think there's a greater lesson than "moving."


We are conflicted.   We'd love to stay here.  We have a nice home (thank you, Lord!), an excellent church, and great neighbors!    I love our homeschool co-op, and I love the ladies' Bible class and the Teaching Tips class I'm leading.   Most of all, I love the people the Lord has brought into my life here in WV.   

Honestly, I'm not afraid of moving.   Since we've done it MANY times over the past 33 years, I know there's an adjustment period.  What I hate is the stuff that has to be done BEFORE the move takes place.   Sorting through all our stuff.  Getting rid of stuff.   Getting boxes to put stuff in.   And packing stuff again.  Ugh.  Again.

On the other hand, every move we've made has been a pleasure (after the initial culture shock subsides, that is).   Every place we've ever lived (Montana, Washington, Wisconsin, and now West Virginia) has been a wonderful excursion of Life.   The Lord has blessed us beyond our wildest dreams.  Plus the new people He has brought into our lives.

Interesting to think about the circle of my friends between church, square dancing club and homeschooling co-op.   There are a few women who are "older" than me, a handful who are my age, and a LOT who are younger.   Given that I'm 55 y.o. that makes sense.   

Anyway, when I shared with my gal pals here in WV that there is a strong likelihood that we may be moving, these dear ladies--ah, to have friends who will miss me!!!--expressed their sorrow to think of me leaving them!   

Oh, my sweet friends.    
I hope you know the feeling is mutual!    And how honored I am when you ask for my advice.   Really.    When you say you "need" to pick my brain or when it's MY shoulder you want to lean on or  MY hand on your shoulder---ah, you honor me with your respect and love.   I am truly TOUCHED by your affection.

One thing I've learned is that each of us is building a legacy.   It cheers me to realize that God has bound our lives together in such a way.    Even though you're all grown women, I still want to gather you like my own children and hug you close and never let you go.   

But I know from experience that God wants us all to become spiritually mature, too.    And that is part of our legacy as mothers:   we train a new generation.   We leave a legacy.  Of one kind or another.

I had been happily sitting at the feet of my mentors many years ago when hubby's new job took us half-way across the country.   I despaired of finding someone else to replace these Titus Two Friends.   And ooh, there were a couple of very lonely, mentor-less years for me.


I found out that I COULD learn to stand up on my own.  Ah, yes.   Wobbly.  Baby-steps.  

AND...looking back from a space of years, I can see THAT is when my faith put on pounds!!! In a good way, of course!

So, that to say, The Lord sends blessings sometimes in very strange little packages.   My blessing FORCED me to start looking at "my own ministry" in my own home and also at church.   And I noticed that God had plunked me right down in the middle of a field and given me the tools and told me, "Get to work!"

I was always busy.  Up to my eyeballs in family stuff with homeschooling three kids and cooking healthy meals and canning vegetabls from our garden and raising animals on our little farm and hanging out laundry and being a wife & mother and juggling a 4-H club and coaching softball and volleyball and teaching Sunday school.   

And one day I woke up and realized I was mentoring young women!   Very scary, the first time someone ASKED ME FOR ADVICE.   Kind of like, you look around to see who she's talking to, then looking back at her, "You're asking ME?"   And this young fresh face with the eager eyes gives you this look like, "Well who else would I ask?"

Ah, but there's the blessing in disguise, too!   

You know...that whole "prayer of Jabez" thing fits in here, too. God has increased the circle of my influence tremendously. In ways I'll never know until I get to heaven. Sometimes, when I get an email from a young woman who reads my blog or FB, I am astounded at how far away the ripples on the pond truly spread. 

God is doing this in your life as well.   One day at a time.   One life at a time.

My encouragement to each of you...whether you know me personally or are readers of my blog:   I've been in your place--sitting at a mentor's feet--and the feeling of having the rug pulled out when I had to leave that comfortable spot when God moved us across the country for hubster's new job(s).   

He will give you the tools, He will give you a field to harvest, He will give you what you need at exactly the right time.     

Take heart--the Lord does not leave us alone.   Friends may come and go, but He is always with us.   

"She is clothed with strength and dignity; 
she can laugh at the days to come.   
She speaks with wisdom 
and faithful instruction is on her tongue....
A woman who fears the LORD is to be praised....
Give her the reward she has earned
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."

Proverbs 31:25, 30 & 31