Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Favorite Real Estate Agent!

Greetings, Friends!

Sorry for the lapse in posts.   My son was home from the Army during Christmas and into January.   We traveled to Wisconsin over the holidays to spend time with my mom in northern Wisconsin (north of Green Bay--go Packers!).   When the boys flew back home to WV after their side-trip to our old stomping grounds, they brought one of their guy-friends back with them.   Lots of guy power for a week or so!!!  Wow!!

So things were a bit b-u-s-y around here.  No time and no quiet for writing.

Then we got avidly involved with house-hunting.  We've looked at quite a few homes, mostly all of them are foreclosures--which makes me incredibly sad for the families who have lost their homes.

This is a good time to remember how much God loves us.   One of the first houses we looked at seemed like the right one for us.   We put an offer in, but were out-bid by another buyer.   That house just seemed perfect for us.   Friends were sad for us, and yeah we were disappointed, but also confident because we've lived long enough to know that God has something better planned for us.

We bounced back and half-heartedly looked at other houses.   Then I found one that --oh my-- was perfect!   Gorgeous neighborhood and from the outside, the house looked totally US!   The realtor took us through it.  No.  Too basement.  We NEED a basement if you know what I mean:   we have stuff that needs a basement.

Friends again felt bad that this one didn't work out.    But not me.  I was getting more and more excited!  Okay, yes, I was disappointed because it truly was a neat place.   But I kept thinking, "God loves us!  He knows just what we need.  And if this one which was so cool isn't The One, I can NOT wait to see what He does have for us."

Nothing on the radar screen really tripped my trigger though.   Hmmm.   Our lease on this rental isn't up until the end of May.  Maybe we need to just wait patiently.  

Then I re-configured the real estate search engine I'd been using.   And boom!  There it was.  A house that had been on the market since last April (much higher priced!), with price reductions that brought it down into our budget-range!   Where were WE last April?  Still living in Wisconsin--unhappily faced with moving from our beloved little five-acres of God's green earth!  

And, friends, God is SO good.  Because the house we just bid on (and have contracted for now) is so much better than either of the other two that "seemed" perfect!!   We are so ready for this, and God knows just what we need, when we need it.

I hope you remember these words from our Lord Jesus in the gospel of Matthew:   

"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine 
and puts them into practice 
is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  
The rain came down, 
the streams rose, 
and the winds blew 
and beat against that house, 
yet it did not fall, 
because it had its foundation 
on the rock."

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