Where shepherds lately knelt
and kept the angel's word,
I come in half-belief
(a pilgrim strangely stirred);
But there is room and welcome there for me.
But there is room and welcome there for me!

In that unlikely place I find him as they said;
Sweet newborn Babe (how frail!)
and in a manger bed,
A still, small voice to cry one day for me.
A still, small Voice to cry one day for me!

How should I not have known
Isaiah would be there?
His prophecies fulfilled!
With pounding heart I stare:
A child, a son, the Prince of Peace for me.
A Child, a Son, the Prince of peace for me!

Can I,
Will I forget how Love was born, and burned
Its way into my heart unasked, unforced, unearned?
To die, to live--and not alone--for me?
To die, to live, and not alone for me!
Text: Jaroslav J. Vajda (b. 1919)
Tune: Carl F. Schalk (b. 1929)
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