I don't mean mind-boggling challenges like "solve the problems in the Middle East" and I don't mean financial challenges like "get my checkbook to balance to the nearest penny" and I don't mean waist-whittling challenges like "do a 30-second plank without my arms trembling like a little girl."
Yep. Now you know. I'm a speed demon. I love games like Boggle and The 5-Second Rule and trying to beat my record at Sudoku.
So. My challenge every morning is to empty the entire dishwasher BEFORE the microwave beeps with my cup of water for tea or coffee. Two minutes, thirty seconds. Two racks and a silverware basket.
That thought hadn't even evaporated yet when another popped into my head. "Aren't you glad you know stuff like that?"
Until then, ponder these words from Proverbs 31 and consider how they "challenge" you to serve the Lord in your home:
Nope. I mean FUN challenges, the sense of accomplishment! Like the thrill of wishing for Spring and five minutes later seeing a robin in the front yard! Or racing to get the pots-n-pans washed before The Amazing Race" tv program starts!
Yep. Now you know. I'm a speed demon. I love games like Boggle and The 5-Second Rule and trying to beat my record at Sudoku.
So. My challenge every morning is to empty the entire dishwasher BEFORE the microwave beeps with my cup of water for tea or coffee. Two minutes, thirty seconds. Two racks and a silverware basket.
Not much quality control happening at that rate, but I figure if I don't catch a smudged glass or gritty bowl when putting away, surely we will when we set the table. Plus, it's clean grit, right? It just came out of the dishwasher. <wink!>
So there I was this morning, minding my own business. Emptying the dishwasher, racing the microwave beeper, and with my split-second eagle-eyes noticed that some of my bowls are kind of tomato-y stained. Again. I thought to myself, As soon as we get a good sun-shiny day, these bowls are getting a sun-bath on the deck rail.
Now that may seem like a really random route to take: racing to empty the dishwasher and putting bowls on the deck rail. But there IS a method to my madness.
You see, in a previous lifetime, I was a Tupperware consultant so I've known this little trick for years, that sunshine will bleach plastic bowls--it only takes a few hours; they look as good as new (unless yours are as elderly as mine then they just look "better").

Which THEN made me remember that there was a time in my life when I didn't know that kind of stuff.
And THAT thought led to me scolding myself soundly for having my blog sit here silent and barely alive for so many months--when in fact I have SO much I want to write and share with you.
Yes, in less time than it takes to put away four water glasses and three cereal bowls, I had thunk all these thoughts and even lectured myself.
So, starting today <pause for a crescendo of inspirational music> I'm determined to get back on track with TTF. And to do so with renewed purpose. And getting back to my roots of why I wanted to do this blog in the first place.
Older woman teaching a younger woman. Household affairs. Tips for home-making and -keeping. Little tricks you learn along the way either by sheer luck or trial-n-error. Ways to organize and be efficient. Loving the hubster and the chicklets. Keeping busy at home. A few recipes? Maybe. Basic standard operating procedure according to moi (because I'm the boss of this blog).
Older woman teaching a younger woman. Household affairs. Tips for home-making and -keeping. Little tricks you learn along the way either by sheer luck or trial-n-error. Ways to organize and be efficient. Loving the hubster and the chicklets. Keeping busy at home. A few recipes? Maybe. Basic standard operating procedure according to moi (because I'm the boss of this blog).
Yippee! Nothing fancy, so forget the bells and whistles--just some tips, tricks and wisdom for running your home. Since the Mind-Meld Machine broke down, we'll have to do it the old-fashioned way: writing it in words on paper (well, kind of). Maybe a few printables if I get my act together. Maybe, okay--definitely some lists.
Now. Since we're family and friends here, meet me at The Back Door tomorrow. And we'll begin.
Now. Since we're family and friends here, meet me at The Back Door tomorrow. And we'll begin.
Until then, ponder these words from Proverbs 31 and consider how they "challenge" you to serve the Lord in your home:
"[The wife of noble character]
speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness."
I'm serious: tomorrow. The Back Door. Don't be late.
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