Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Truth is Out - Time for a Change!

January.  The time of resolutions.  Time management, goal-setting, reviewing last year's accomplishments.  Being honest.

Honesty in blogging
I'll go first:   I started this blog in September 2010.   If it was a child, she would now be half-way through 2nd Grade--reading little books, reliably spelling high-frequency words like the, at, Mom; probably mastering a two-wheel bike and made her parents proud this past summer playing shortstop in peewee softball.

The truth is that the mother (me) of this "child" has been terribly (and often) negligent during these past seven+ years.   And while I've had many good intentions, quite honestly I've been busy doing many OTHER things (teaching, quilting, moving [twice!], recuperating from cancer & chemo, working full-time)--these are all pretty good as excuses go.

To be fair:  there was a span where I couldn't get INTO my blog (because I'm a nitwit sometimes!) so the poor thing languished for months--and I kind of lost my mo-jo.  Another span of quiet-time took place in 2014 after we moved, the cancer thing happened and I started working full-time.   I was tired and brain-dead.  

The truth is that I've been a poor manager of my time...actually my "evening time".   I'm a morning person and bounce out of bed at 5:30 (happy & cheerful--don't hate me!) so that I have time to read my Bible before I head to work at 6:45 (to be there by 7:15-ish).  When I get home at around 4:30, I'm toast.

So guess what I do?  I'm usually home alone (hubby's a truck driver) so I get my supper going, turn on the TV/Netflix/news, read my personal email or check Facebook, and usually fall asleep before the bad guy gets caught.  I wake up around 8:00pm, somewhat refreshed but my rear-end is glued to my chair and now it's "too late" to really get anything done.   I look through Instagram or Pinterest--"Oh look at THIS cute idea!"

The rest of the truth is this:  I've taken for granted the wide-reach my blog has.  Just recently I FINALLY did a project I've wanted to do for y-e-a-r-s on my blog:  make a list of all my blog titles.  As I was rooting around on the back side of my blog, I was STUNNED (stunned, I tell you!) to see that SOME of my posts have had hundreds and thousands of eyeballs on 'em--and I never even knew!  AND there are even COMMENTS on some of my posts!  When did THAT happen?   Why didn't I know?   My settings were supposed to send me notifications whenever that happened.

So . . . it's time for me to own up to my negligence.  And to apologize to all of you.  It is SO not me to ignore people--and I certainly am humbled by this evaluation of my blog-situation.

Your loyalty to this blog and to me is much appreciated and I promise to strive to do better (that shouldn't be too difficult since there's really nowhere to go but UP, right?!).

Also, I want to thank those of you who have left comments in the past.   I hope you'll understand--just like you (busy wife & mother), I am too.

Here is a list of the most popular Titus Two Friends posts I've written (other than holiday related):

10 - Leaving a Godly Legacy

  9 - My Times Are In Your Hands
  8 - Project:  Prompts for Prayers, Praises, Promises

  3 - At Home With Christ (How to do Family Devotions)

Last spring I delivered a keynote address at a homeschool conference.  The theme verse we focused on was this one from 1Thessalonians 5:11
Encourage one another & build up each other,
just as in fact you are doing.

When I started blogging seven years ago--right down to this very day--it has always been my intention to inspire you to be a godly woman, an excellent wife, a devoted mother, and a dear friend to those who are blessed to know you.  To help you see the blessings God has showered upon you, to give you a pep talk when you need it, and do it in a way that brings glory to God.

REQUEST:   I'm re-setting my settings, so that I get notifications whenever someone comments on any of my blog posts.   Would you do me a favor and when you read something, leave a little comment--maybe tell me what you liked or (dis) agree with, what pricked your conscience or raised a question.  

REQUEST #2:  If you like this post, please grab the URL and share it on your fave social media so others have a chance to read it, too.  

Thanks, friends, for helping me revive this neglected little blog.   


Here's a couple of other posts that deserve attention, too:

God Works - So Does Prayer         Snow Day Recipes

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