January. The time of resolutions. Time management, goal-setting, reviewing last year's accomplishments. Being honest.
The truth is that the mother (me) of this "child" has been terribly (and often) negligent during these past seven+ years. And while I've had many good intentions, quite honestly I've been busy doing many OTHER things (teaching, quilting, moving [twice!], recuperating from cancer & chemo, working full-time)--these are all pretty good as excuses go.
To be fair: there was a span where I couldn't get INTO my blog (because I'm a nitwit sometimes!) so the poor thing languished for months--and I kind of lost my mo-jo. Another span of quiet-time took place in 2014 after we moved, the cancer thing happened and I started working full-time. I was tired and brain-dead.
The truth is that I've been a poor manager of my time...actually my "evening time". I'm a morning person and bounce out of bed at 5:30 (happy & cheerful--don't hate me!) so that I have time to read my Bible before I head to work at 6:45 (to be there by 7:15-ish). When I get home at around 4:30, I'm toast.
So guess what I do? I'm usually home alone (hubby's a truck driver) so I get my supper going, turn on the TV/Netflix/news, read my personal email or check Facebook, and usually fall asleep before the bad guy gets caught. I wake up around 8:00pm, somewhat refreshed but my rear-end is glued to my chair and now it's "too late" to really get anything done. I look through Instagram or Pinterest--"Oh look at THIS cute idea!"
The rest of the truth is this: I've taken for granted the wide-reach my blog has. Just recently I FINALLY did a project I've wanted to do for y-e-a-r-s on my blog: make a list of all my blog titles. As I was rooting around on the back side of my blog, I was STUNNED (stunned, I tell you!) to see that SOME of my posts have had hundreds and thousands of eyeballs on 'em--and I never even knew! AND there are even COMMENTS on some of my posts! When did THAT happen? Why didn't I know? My settings were supposed to send me notifications whenever that happened.
So . . . it's time for me to own up to my negligence. And to apologize to all of you. It is SO not me to ignore people--and I certainly am humbled by this evaluation of my blog-situation.
Your loyalty to this blog and to me is much appreciated and I promise to strive to do better (that shouldn't be too difficult since there's really nowhere to go but UP, right?!).
Also, I want to thank those of you who have left comments in the past. I hope you'll understand--just like you (busy wife & mother), I am too.
Here is a list of the most popular Titus Two Friends posts I've written (other than holiday related):
10 - Leaving a Godly Legacy
9 - My Times Are In Your Hands
8 - Project: Prompts for Prayers, Praises, Promises
8 - Project: Prompts for Prayers, Praises, Promises
5 - Fill Your Plate!
3 - At Home With Christ (How to do Family Devotions)
and firmly in #1 is Motherhood & Being a Submissive Wife
Last spring I delivered a keynote address at a homeschool conference. The theme verse we focused on was this one from 1Thessalonians 5:11
Encourage one another & build up each other,
just as in fact you are doing.
just as in fact you are doing.
When I started blogging seven years ago--right down to this very day--it has always been my intention to inspire you to be a godly woman, an excellent wife, a devoted mother, and a dear friend to those who are blessed to know you. To help you see the blessings God has showered upon you, to give you a pep talk when you need it, and do it in a way that brings glory to God.
REQUEST: I'm re-setting my settings, so that I get notifications whenever someone comments on any of my blog posts. Would you do me a favor and when you read something, leave a little comment--maybe tell me what you liked or (dis) agree with, what pricked your conscience or raised a question.
REQUEST #2: If you like this post, please grab the URL and share it on your fave social media so others have a chance to read it, too.
Thanks, friends, for helping me revive this neglected little blog.
Here's a couple of other posts that deserve attention, too:
God Works - So Does Prayer Snow Day Recipes
Find me on Instagram | Facebook
REQUEST: I'm re-setting my settings, so that I get notifications whenever someone comments on any of my blog posts. Would you do me a favor and when you read something, leave a little comment--maybe tell me what you liked or (dis) agree with, what pricked your conscience or raised a question.
REQUEST #2: If you like this post, please grab the URL and share it on your fave social media so others have a chance to read it, too.
Thanks, friends, for helping me revive this neglected little blog.
Here's a couple of other posts that deserve attention, too:
God Works - So Does Prayer Snow Day Recipes
Find me on Instagram | Facebook
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